Wednesday, January 18, 2017


My name is Taylor. The most important thing you can know about me is that I have two plants that stubbornly stay alive despite my inability to put them in sunlight or water them on schedule: a sprig of lucky bamboo named Obsolescence, and an arrow head plant named The Abyss. I recommend naming plants after your fears and phobias so you can learn to nurture them. I will let you know if it works. 

I’m a senior Advertising major with a copywriting emphasis. Yeah, one of those people. Advertising professionals are, according to one of my professors, ranked as the almost the least-trusted people in the profession, above only car salesmen. People hate what I do, and I understand why. But I don’t hate advertising as a practice or an art form. In fact, I see advertising as a part of media and pop culture, and I’ve enjoyed studying the ethics and creative sides of it for the last three years.  

Advertising creatives are among the most talented and most quick-witted people I know of. Below are two examples, a couple of my favorite commercials:

Death Wish Coffee

Metro Trains Melbourne:

Here’s one thing I made. The assignment was to create a schedule for OU Basketball, so of course, I had to take the opportunity to make it Space Jam themed:

What I’m trying to say is that I maybe possibly haven’t sold my soul to the devil yet. Or I hope not, because I’m waiting for a better chance to do that. 

I’ve taken a ton of classes on writing, because it’s my favorite hobby and hopefully what I’ll do, in some form, as a profession. I love video games, tabletop games, listening to podcasts, writing fiction and nonfiction, watching movies, watching bad movies, watching YouTube, and cooking.

I have loved mythology ever since studying Latin in high school and learning about the maelstrom that is Greek mythology. There’s a special place in my heart for Greek mythology, Norse mythology, Roman history, and Japanese history, off the top of my head. 

I think mythology is so interesting because many legends follow modern storytelling conventions, but are part of a completely different cultural narrative, sometimes with outlandish values. You can learn a lot about a group of people by observing its mythology and how it intersects with its history and culture. 

Image: Design of OU Basketball schedule made by me, 2016
Videos: "Death Wish Coffee Company Big Game Commercial: Storm's a-Brewin'" on YouTube
"Dumb Ways to Die" on YouTube


  1. Hello Taylor, yes as advertising majors we are considered by some people the scum of the earth. I highly disagree and see it as an art form and part psychology really. I have been intrigued by marketing and advertising since I was a teenager and always wanted to know what went with making commercials and adds. Being an advertising major has given me that opportunity as well.

  2. Hey, fellow advertising student! That is awesome. The people that downgrade us due to our career path honestly do not understand all the work and wit it takes to work in this profession. You do you. I really enjoyed your favorite commercials. My favorite ad is Mayhem from Allstate; that is what piqued my interest to become an Advertising major. Maybe someday I will meet you in Lindsey + Asp!

  3. I am so glad you shared those videos, Taylor, and there are some really great advertising campaigns that have made very memorable stories, along with very memorable graphics too (your SpaceJam schedule looks so cool!). My grandson obsessed about that Dumb Ways to Die video (he's the one who showed it to me first); my own personal favorite ad video is the Traveler's Insurance dog - so cute! And how great that you did Latin in high school! I used to teach Latin and I still have a Latin blog... with Latin LOLCats even, so if you are looking for a dose of Latin as a refresher you might have fun with it: Bestiaria Latina ... and with all the overlap between your interests and this class, I am curious to see which direction you will want to go with it: so many possibilities!

  4. Ooh, cool plants! I have two succulents that are still managing to hang in there, actually. I had no idea advertising professionals were seen as that; that's unfortunate and unfair. The videos you shared are great and interesting! Thank you for sharing. Your poster looks amazing; great job! I love writing and mythology, too! Glad to see you're in this class. What video games do you play?

    1. Thanks, I'm glad to see there's another hobbyist writer in this class too! And thank you for the comment on my week 2 story post. I thought your story was well done, so it makes me happy that you liked mine!

      I usually play puzzle or strategy games, not many shooters or MMOs. Lately it's been games like Fire Emblem and Pikmin. What about you?

  5. I love the Space Jam theme! I loved that movie growing up! And I like those commercials too! I hadn't seen the death wish coffee ad but I do drink it so it just makes it that much better. The Safety Train ad is the best! I showed it to everyone I knew when I first saw it and I still love it(I've seen it like 50 times)!

  6. First I would like to compliment you on your ability to keep plants alive. I've killed two succulents, and so I have given up on trying to make my room a bit more lively. Also, I can totally relate on the mythology interests (Greek is my personal favorite). You're the first person I've met (does this count as meeting?) with an emphasis in copyright. I'm constantly surprised at how many options there are that I never even think about. Also, if you have any recommendations for podcasts, I'd love to hear them! I recently have started listening to them, but I've stuck to the more "mainstream" ones.

  7. Hi Taylor. It is nice to meet and learn a little bit about you. I have to say, I'm growing fond of this "meeting" classmates through the Internet thing. It's a great way to get to know each other without the overwhelming feelings of anxiety I get in most social situations. :)

    I'm a little jealous of your plants. I can't have plants, because well, my cats mistake them for fresh growing treats, left out for their enjoyment.

    I've never considered advertising to be a bad thing in anyway. On the contrary, it is one of the best ways to get a name or product out there, aside from word of mouth "advertising", so I think it is a terrific choice for your specialty!

  8. Hi Taylor!
    I loved reading your introduction post, I found it to be very entertaining. I am a Public Relations major, so I get the whole people not liking what you do thing. You are a phenomenal writer and I can tell you have a very quick witted sense of humor, so I have no doubt you will exceed in the copywriting biz. I too enjoy cooking, watching movies (both good and bad) and YouTube! Also, the dumb ways to die commercial is a classic. Definitely one of my all time favorites.

  9. Hi Taylor! I think you sound like an interesting person. I also love writing, though I haven't taken as many as you have, it sounds like. I think your policy of naming your plants seems smart. I adopted a lot of plants this summer, but was out of town entirely too often and they kept reaching the edge of their life just to be brought back for a little longer. They finally died for the most part a few months ago; turns out I don't have much of a green thumb after all.

  10. You know, naming your plants after your fears is a win-win. You either nurture your fears or you can kill them and be the final victor. I'll be completely honest too; the only thing I think of when I think of advertising is Mad Men. That means in my head most of what you do is drink, nap, and come up with crazy ideas on the fly. I guess that's what most of us really do though.

  11. Hey Taylor,
    I enjoyed the honesty of your introductory post. I haven't taken the time to determine whether I trust or don't trust advertising majors, but you put the type in a pretty good light for me. You seem very realistic with similar interests to me, so that's great in my book! That Space Jam themed poster is awesome. They should think about actually implementing that into the advertisements somehow.

  12. Hey Taylor!

    I really like that you put you enjoy watching bad movies! I assume you just mean terribly produced movies such as sharknado or other similar movies? I really like that you made your introduction quite personal and even shared some videos that you have liked and have possibly influenced your advertising. Let us know about the naming the plant after a fear of yours and then nurturing it! That is a very interesting idea!

  13. I think your commentary on ad majors is really interesting.... I've never really thought about it that way! My best friend graduated with a degree in advertising last year and I don't see her this way at all. I think people that can persuade others to use/buy a product are genius and should be seen as such. Thanks for sharing~

  14. It's awesome to get to know you, Taylor! It's so cool that you're an advertising major. I'm an English major, but I've considered going into advertising. There's so much creativity and psychology that goes along with it. Advertising is just so interesting. I also agree with you that mythology is so fascinating. It's so dramatic and creative and there's so much inspiration in them. I cannot wait to see how you've incorporated myths and folklores into your stories.

  15. Hey Taylor!! That's super interesting that you happen to be an Advertising major with copywriting emphasis. It is definitely not something that you hear from someone everyday. I've always wondered what peaked peoples interests about that kind of field and marketing even. It makes sense when you put in the perspective of a media and art form.
    That's cute that you have plants that you've named, very creatively at that. I like that. I will say, for you not taking care of them as well and they're still alive, it says something about your aura and life. Having a bamboo plant that still grows means some good fortune headed your way in the future!
    Since you've provided us with some commercials that are pretty funny and unique, especially the Dumb Ways to Die, you should watch some Thai commercials. Thai commercials of Pantene or mostly life insurance ones are pretty interesting. They're more on the dramatic and deep side compared to yours, but you should still check em out! It was definitely great learning about you, you seem awesome!! Good luck the rest of the semester and the years to come!!

  16. Hey Taylor!
    First off, I love you blog background! I am into mermaid style scallops right now so it is right up my alley! I laughed out loud at your "I'm waiting for a better chance to sell my soul." SO FUNNY! jhhgbhvn <- LOL my dog walked across my laptop. Anyways I am excited to read your writing as it is so closely related to your major! (and for the record I don't think you're that bad)

  17. Hi Taylor, it's nice to hear a little bit about you! I am a PR major, but I'm currently taking advertising and I agree with your perspective of the profession. I think your introduction was very entertaining and provided a great representation of your personality. I also think the OU space jam poster looks awesome, you seem very skilled in advertising and I loved the way it looked. I read one of your stories in your portfolio and really enjoyed it, I look forward to reading more!

  18. Hey Taylor! Nice to meet you! Your first paragraph of the introduction is hilarious and whether you meant it that way or not, it made me laugh! That is quite a talent, I must say! And about what you said about being one of “those” people, as far as I am concerned, if it is legal and it is something you truly enjoy then go for it wholeheartedly! Who cares what others think! And it seems as if you see it the same way which is great! Best of luck!

  19. Hey Taylor, Haha you're a funny person, your intro made me laugh (Or cry because you belong to the devil) I really like your perspective towards advertising I feel like the general approach is similar to sales. The OU poster you did is really creative and nice! Best of luck!

  20. Hahaha, those commercials were fantastic! No wonder they're your favorite! I hope your future commercials will be equally hilarious and witty, but judging by your Space Jam OU poster you're already well on your way! I also enjoy Greek mythology and video games! What kinds of video games do you normally play? I like Civ 5 and Skyrim. Best of luck for the rest of your semester!

  21. It's very nice to meet this little bit of you! Great use of tech tips with videos. Your introduction definitely keeper me entertained. Your interests are pretty amazing... I wish that I could start with nothing and end up having a graphic design like you have. I wish you luck in all of your endeavors!

  22. It is great to meet and learn something about you Taylor! I have never thought about keeping and taking care of plants that are named after your fears so that you can eventually diminish those fears. That is really creative and something that I will probably try! I had no idea that advertising professionals were one of the least trusted people in the professional world. I've never really thought about it, but I guess I could see why lol. Aside from that little piece of info, those commercials were awesome! I especially enjoyed the "dumb ways to die" video. It was great to read about you in your intro!
